How Many Friends Do You Have?

We may have many friends. But when we are in distress, not many of them can be around. So our teardrops are our only friend at times like these.

Hopefully we can make more friends here so we do not need the company of our teardrops anymore!

Lyrics Of Song

My Teardrops Became My Only Friend
Every Night When I Cried Again
It Was Way Back Then

*** Chorus ***

*** I Was Caught For Many Years In A Tempest
I Could Never Get No Rest
I Could Cry Me A River With All My Tears
I Could Have Gone Mad

You Came Into My Life Out Of The Blue
That’s When I Started Loving You
I Fell In Love With You
And You Loved Me Too ***

When I Had My Troubles You Really Cared
When I Needed You
You Were Always There
You Have Always Been There

*** Chorus ***

*** Coda ***

My Teardrops Became My Only Friend
But That Was Long Long Ago

All Copyrights © Reserved 2004 Richard HF LEE

The Thoughts Of The Composer / Producer

Talking about teardrops, I have really seen teardrops which are really “big” and flows like a stream! That is why I describe them as “I could cry me a river..”.

No matter how much you cry, it will stop one day when true love comes along. So do not just give up everything in life just because of a bad relationship.

There is nothing wrong going through a bad relationship. Lots of people go through it. There are even more that do not dare to admit that their relationships have turned sour. They lie because they do not want others to know. This could be due to family and social obligations. This is dangerous because this pot of lost love will erupt anytime.

It is no fault of anyone in any bad relationship. Both parties must take responsibilities. Usually the main problem lies in the communication part. If both parties cannot compromise, then you can always agree to disagree. Life goes on!

*** Note *** Do not believe in smarties who say, “Big issues will become small issues. And small issues will become no issues”. These are very irresponsible people who dare not make decisions even though the truth is there. They rather hide the truths and hurt the innocent. I pity people like these who are legends in their own minds.

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My Only Friend (Song)

<bgsound src="My Only Friend.mp3"></bgsound>

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